BDSM NetWork


You Snooze You Lose

- Triple A Spanking Video

Sunny doesn't want to get up and she certainly does not want to go to school today! Her mother calls up to her room several times and becomes suspicious when she doesn't hear anything... she soon discovers lazy Sunny refusing to get up. Her girl then weakly suggests she isn't feeling too well and insists that is why she is struggling to do anything. Mom knows best, of course, and returns with a thermometer and a hairbrush. Sunny agrees to have her temperature taken but is shocked to discover this will be carried out the old-fashioned way, up her bottom! She is prepared to go through with the humiliating rectal temperature taking and Mom relishes embarrassing her girl as she is already suspicious and knows the tricks young ladies pull nowadays! The temperature reading is normal and Sunny knows that her deception has failed! She takes her place over the maternal lap on her own bed as her naked buttocks are smacked by Mom's firm, hard hand. That wicked hairbrush is also used which further reinforces that if she snoozes... she loses. Her poor bottom takes an early morning whacking, and she is left to contemplate and reflect on her foolish deceit before being told she will go to school with a sore, throbbing bottom. Sunny is wearing her own brand of ABDL clothing which can found <a href="" target="_blank">HERE</a>

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